
After School

Golda Och Academy is pleased to offer a variety of after-school enrichment programs for our Lower School students in grades Pre-K through 5. Our goal is to provide opportunities for fun and learning outside the confines of regular class time.

To contact our programs after regular school hours, please call 973-602-7552.

After Care - 2024-2025

Aftercare provides contracted and drop-in coverage from 3:15-6:00 pm Mondays-Thursdays, and from 2:00-4:00 pm Fridays. Children are supervised while they do homework and have access to the outdoor playgrounds and/or gym every day. Small snacks and water are provided.

Funtracks - Fall 2024

Our Funtracks program provides a variety of in-person aftercare classes in the arts, dance, theater, science, sports, and wellness at a reasonable cost. 

After-School Transition
Students will meet in the gym where a snack will be provided. If your child has a special dietary requirement, you may send a nut-free kosher snack instead. Funtracks instructors will walk the students from the gym to their activity location. Funtracks ends at 4:15 pm Monday-Thursday and at 3:00 pm Friday. 

List of 1 members.

  • Photo of Jul McCormick-Anesh

    Jul McCormick-Anesh 

    Specialist Team Lead, Aftercare/Funtracks Director, Lower School