About Us

Mission, Vision, and Values


We nurture the unique potential of each student through an exceptional Jewish and general studies education.


Innovative Jewish thinkers begin their journey here. Our students explore the world through the lens of Jewish values and develop a love of learning, a personal relationship with the State of Israel and its people, and a commitment to the betterment of the world through tikkun olam.

Our Values

List of 6 items.

  • Love of Learning

    Torah Lishmah
    תורה‭ ‬לשמה
    We inspire a love of learning and encourage intellectual curiosity across all disciplines. Students learn to think creatively and independently in a community infused with Jewish tradition and values.
  • Community

    We establish a strong partnership between students, teachers, parents and the community beyond the classroom and campus. Our vibrant learning community focuses on the intellectual, social, and spiritual needs of each child.
  • Respect

    We encourage a shared responsibility for treating others and ourselves with respect and dignity. Our students and faculty practice empathy, menschlichkeit, and integrity when interacting with others.
  • Love of Israel

    Ahavat Yisrael
    אהבת‭ ‬ישראל
    We empower our students to develop an ongoing personal connection to Israel by studying its history, its culture, and the Hebrew language. Students learn the importance of Israel both in the classroom and within the land itself.
  • Repair of the World

    Tikkun Olam
    תיקון‭ ‬עולם
    Our students learn the importance of communal responsibility and service both locally and globally through acts of tikkun olam (repair of the world) and gemilut hasadim (expressions of loving kindness).
  • Jewish Life and Learning

    Mitzvot and Halachah
    מצוות‭ ‬והלכה
    We inspire our students to find joy and meaning in Torah, tefillah, rituals, and practices, including the teaching and celebration of lifecycle events, holidays, and traditions within our school community.

Tikkun Olam at GOA

“GOA taught me the importance of a strong community and good values. Since GOA, I have always strived to surround myself with special people. The connections I have made throughout college both in my personal and professional lives have given me the opportunity to pursue
unique and life-changing experiences, while always staying true to who I am.”
—Naomi Gutstein '13
There are many opportunities for community service and tikkun olam (repair of the world) experiences in each grade level at Golda Och Academy – opportunities for the children to give back to the community, one of our core values.
Both on and off campus, our youngest students learn the value of community through food drives, tzedakah collections and fundraising for various local and national organizations. During the winter holidays, the High School National Honor Society runs toy drives on both campuses, and each spring our Upper and Lower School students participate in a Walk for Life to fundraise for Gift of Life. Our Lower School also spearheads a food drive from Purim to Passover, donating food to a local food bank. 
As an annual tradition, our Lower School students help spread holiday joy to senior adult residential and nursing facilities, packing mishloach manot (Purim baskets) during Purim. Each year, our 5th grade class chooses a tikkun olam project as a grade, and they learn how to fundraise and support a local organization.We have also been fortunate to donate harvested vegetables from the Lower School garden to area food pantries. 

For our older students, tikkun olam is incorporated in every Upper School grade-level trip, with volunteer opportunities built into Shabbatons and destination trips. Many of our Middle and High School clubs fundraise for organizations, such as Sharsheret and Breaking the Chain. This weaves together many of our school’s values, including tikkun olam (repair of the world), kehillah (community), kavod (respect), and mitzvot (performing good deeds).